Committed to personal responsibility, ethical behaviors, cultural awareness, life-long learning, and academic excellence



Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

TODAY’S ENTRÉE: French Toast Sticks with Pork Sausage Links, Turkey Hot Dog on a Bun, Chicken Caesar Salad, or French Toast Sticks with Meatless Sausage Patties

TOMORROW’S ENTRÉE: Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Caesar Salad, Chef Salad, White Cheddar Mac & Cheese

TOMORROW’S BREAKFAST:  Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Benefit Bar, Honey Cheerios Cereal, Cinnamon Super Stik, Apple Juice, Tropical Fruit Flavored Raisins

Today is an X day.


SPIRIT WEEK & PENNY WARS!! Thanks for remembering to bring in your money to help support Children’s Hospital. Keep up the good work and remember you have until Friday to add as many coins you can.

Hey Squires! It’s Spirit Week!! I saw lots of orange in the halls today! Great work! Tomorrow is Shine Bright with Kindness, Wear Neon colors or sparkle.. And don’t forget to stop by our student council table outside the cafeteria at lunch and enter in the drawing for a prize!

Today’s daily kindness challenge is to keep your word. If you make a promise to a friend, keep it. No one likes it if their friend doesn’t keep their word. Try to work on this, it can mean a lot in telling someone you value their friendship. 

PTO Fundraiser:  Dine Out Night at Don and Millie’s tonight! 11am to 8pm, 56th & Hwy 2 Location. Please let cashier know that your with Pound!

CLUBS TODAY: No clubs today due to Parent Teacher Conferences

CLUBS TOMORROW: Young Librarians

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible