Committed to personal responsibility, ethical behaviors, cultural awareness, life-long learning, and academic excellence



Friday, October 8th, 2021

TODAY’S ENTRÉE: Breaded Chicken Fingers, Chef Salad, or Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Please don’t take milk with your lunch if you don’t intend to drink it. We pour out a lot of milk every day from unopened boxes.

MONDAY’S ENTRÉE: Breaded Chicken Nuggets, Homemade Beef Chili,  or Hearty Bean Chili

MONDAY’S BREAKFAST: Confetti Pancakes, Super Stick, or Froot Loops Cereal

Today is a Y day.


PTO FUNDRAISER: Come enjoy some Panara at 1424 Pine Lake on Monday from 4:00 – 8:00.

PINK OUT: Thanks for wearing your pink today!! Be listening to the announcements next week because we will have a color-out day every Friday of this month! 

MATH COUNTS: The Pound Math Counts Club begins Monday, Oct. 11, in Room 211 after school from 3:00-4:00. If you have an interest in math, like being challenged, want to learn about math tricks that will improve your grades; come explore our club. Open to any 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. For more information, see your Math teacher.

STUDENTS: Please clean the outside of your locker by Friday, October 15th. Pound Pals will be hanging new locker tags during 2nd quarter. Pound Pals will be removing any locker tags from 1st quarter at their next meeting. Thank you! 

STUDENTS: Reminder to all students who attend any ball games at Seacrest Field or any high school stadium or gymnasium. School rules apply to all school activities, and your 100% cooperation with supervisors is both required and expected.

POUND STORE: NEW TODAY, there will be 2 seperate counters to buy items from at the store to help shorten the wait in line. Come shopping and see what new things we have!

MEDIA CENTER: The Library is open for lunch & recess today! Eat your cold lunch in the library or get a recess pass from the cafeteria. 

CLUBS: Ukulele in the Vocal Music room 

Clubs Monday: Math Counts, CAYA, and Cards & Board Games 

WORD OF THE WEEK:  Significant

Important, meaningful, major or large

“ A little progress each day adds up to BIG results”

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible